most specific

美 [moʊst spəˈsɪfɪk]英 [məʊst spəˈsɪfɪk]
  • adj.具体的;特定的;明确的;特有的;独特的
  • specific的最高级
most specificmost specific
  1. Because of security in clinical trials and significant curative effect , monoclonal antibody became the most specific drug for tumor target therapy , which has a large market .


  2. I have several goals with the language but the most specific one is to create a language that combines the things I like about Ruby and Lisp together .


  3. This report offered the most specific and accurate description of the problems .


  4. The most specific visualization method is the localization of particular enzymes within an acrylamide gel .


  5. But the rule of the most specific profile does not apply in this case .


  6. This syntax works by determining the most specific type common to each argument .


  7. Enter the Base distinguished name , the most specific suffix common to all users .


  8. And the gamma radiation detection instrument is the most specific , efficient and convenient detection instrument .


  9. In painting art , the expressed most specific theme and image is often the most abstract thinking .


  10. You should order catchclauses from most specific to most general .


  11. This example moves from the most specific to the least specific ; each exception is tested in turn .


  12. The general rule to remember is that the ODR tries to match the most specific pattern .


  13. Managers should use the most Specific , Simple & Understandable Language to Pass the Information to the persons under your Management .


  14. But it was misek who made some of the most specific forecasts .


  15. In this case , the profile with no wild cards is the most specific and would be the one to take precedence .


  16. Pulmonary an-giography was the most specific and reliable diagnostic measure for pulmonary embolism in patients with COPD .


  17. The constructor to be invoked must be accessible and provide the most specific match with the specified argument list .


  18. The granular appearance quality of LDPE consisting colored granules and irregular granules is one of the most specific properties .


  19. To be fair , even vehement critics acknowledge Beijing did meet most specific accession commitments in the first five years .


  20. But so can hundreds of other bird species , most specific to their locale and some even once endangered .


  21. CD103 seems the most specific marker for HCL .


  22. Even each of the most specific conceptions having stemmed from the practice of regulation attracts researchers majoring in different disciplines .


  23. The rule in this situation is that the most specific profile that applies to the named object is the one used for authorization checks .


  24. Costume as a carrier of society culture , is the most specific express way of national cultural literacy , mental outlook and material civilization development .


  25. If multiple stanzas apply to a single request , the commands are combined , with the most specific directory taking precedence .


  26. On the other hand , the complex algorithm yields Box , because that is the most specific type it can infer using the constructor arguments .


  27. The event channel deals with event hierarchies by determining the most specific subtype of the event interface subscribed by an event receiver .


  28. Most specific indexes of China 's real estate industry development from 1997 to 2004 do not show the characteristic of bubbles and do not raise price continually without market basis .


  29. The most specific or direct meaning of a word , in contrast to its figurative or associated meanings . the general [ restricted , special ] theory of relativity


  30. Thirdpoint was most specific when it clamored for Yahoo to cash out of its Asian assets like Alibaba and Yahoo Japan .
